The jewel-studded world of Think Bee! will bring out your sparkle and tickle your curiosity.
The world of Think Bee! is one dotted with jewels. We want to share our secrets and our charms with women who have an eye for quality, and who understand beauty and intellect…
We fuse tradition and trend, weave together dreams and beauty,
and infuse bright ideas with a bit of fun in order to create mature, modern, and high-quality designs.
We focus not just on the fashion world, but instead look toward grander, more beautiful dreams and ways of life.
We create art, not products
The world of Think Bee! is one dotted with jewels.
Because of our commitment to creating art, not products…
We develop reliable materials with a focus on texture. We produce design that pursues originality.
Our sewing techniques (an homage to Gobelins tapestry), extensive ingenuity, and beads and sequins carefully placed stitch by stitch, combine to showcase beauty that cannot be found anywhere else.
The Think Bee! fabric studio is filled with a calm intensity as artisans are focused intently on world-class materials so as not to disturb the art that lies on the canvas.
Our glittering, gleaming decorations department is an atelier that breathes life into our pieces. Think Bee!’s elaborate designs, color schemes, materials, and more – all the result of careful consideration – are hand-crafted unsparingly by master artisans.
Our passionate commitment to an ever-increasing standard of quality, not mass production, is what defines the sophistication and warmth of Think Bee! pieces.